Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Two new updates with no new pictures yet.

1. Alaskan Bush Company- Thanks to I am able to intoxicate myself with some of the finest of fermentation's creations on someone else's dime on a regular basis. As a general rule when 5 males are subjected to such a situation something really terrific or really terrible comes out of it. (note: terrible is also synonymous with terrific) This past week the outcome of such a situation was a visit to Anchorage's Alaskan Bush Company for an Alaskan Bush Hunt. I've been to Montreal, Vegas, and various other fine establishments designed specifically for gentlemen. This one is most definitely above average considering that women are outnumbered 5 to 1 in the Far North. If you ever make it up here make sure to visit this old fashioned saloon style skin club.

2. Note to self. I work for a recession proof industry. The less money people make, the more expensive life becomes, the more they are depressed, and the more they drink.

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